Privacybeleid van Superdry
Uw privacy is belangrijk: inleiding.
Superdry vindt uw privacy en gegevensbeveiliging belangrijk. Wanneer u persoonsgegevens aan ons verstrekt, houden we ons aan deze vier belangrijke principes:
We gebruiken en verwerken uw gegevens om ervoor te zorgen dat u het maximale uit uw relatie met ons kunt halen – en dat dit altijd in overeenstemming met de wet gebeurt.
We bewaren uw gegevens achter slot en grendel in beveiligde en zeer beperkt toegankelijke omgevingen.
We streven ernaar 100% transparant te zijn over welke gegevens we verzamelen en waarom we deze verzamelen.
U hebt de touwtjes in handen. U kunt verzoeken om inzage in de gegevens die we over u bewaren. Ook kunt u verzoeken deze te verwijderen.
In dit beleid wordt meer verteld over deze principes en hoe we elke dag hard werken om aan deze principes te voldoen.
Wij willen graag dat u precies weet:
Welke gegevens we verzamelen.
Hoe we uw gegevens gebruiken.
Waarom we uw gegevens gebruiken zoals we dat doen.
We willen u ook alles vertellen over uw rechten en hoe we u kunnen helpen de touwtjes in handen te houden.
We verwerken uw informatie alleen als we daarvoor een wettelijke basis hebben. We baseren ons op de volgende rechtsgrondslagen:
Hierin verwerken we uw gegevens om te voldoen aan een contractuele afspraak die we met u hebben gemaakt.
Hiervoor hebben we u gevraagd om expliciete toestemming te geven om uw gegevens voor een bepaald doel te verwerken, en u hebt deze toestemming gegeven.
Legitieme belangen
Dit is waar we uitgaan van onze belangen als reden voor het verwerken van uw gegevens; over het algemeen is dit om u de beste producten en services te bieden op de meest veilige en passende manier.
Wettelijke verplichting
Dit is onze statutaire of andere wettelijke verplichting om de gegevens te verwerken, zoals voor het onderzoeken van criminaliteit of om u op de hoogte te brengen van bepaalde zaken.
We willen dat onze relatie met u open, sterk en wederzijds voordelig is. Gedurende de verschillende stadia van onze relatie kunt u ons bepaalde gegevens verstrekken. We gebruiken uw gegevens op een aantal verschillende manieren en wat we doen, hangt af van de gegevens. Het niet verstrekken van bepaalde persoonsgegevens die we nodig hebben, kan een negatieve invloed hebben op ons vermogen om met u te communiceren, bijvoorbeeld omdat we u dan wellicht niet kunnen voorzien van producten of services die u graag zou willen ontvangen.
Het is belangrijk dat uw persoonsgegevens die we in ons bezit hebben correct en actueel zijn. Houd ons op de hoogte van wijzigingen in uw persoonsgegevens in de periode dat u klant bij ons bent. Dit kunt u doen door een e-mail te sturen naar of in uw account, als u er een hebt.
4. De gegevens die we verwerken.
In de onderstaande tabellen wordt dit gedetailleerd beschreven en wordt aangegeven wat we gebruiken, hoe we het gebruiken en waarom we het gebruiken.
Hoewel onze website is ontworpen voor een algemeen publiek, verzamelen we niet bewust gegevens van kinderen jonger dan 13 jaar en verkopen we ook niet bewust producten aan kinderen. Als u jonger dan 13 jaar bent, mag u uw gegevens niet gebruiken op of verzenden naar de website.
4.1 Our Website
When you order products from us online, at iKiosks (in stores and at some franchise locations) or set up an online account, we may collect personal details from you like your name, date of birth, gender, address, email address, social media handle, screen name and phone number. Some of this information is mandatory and other information is only provided with your consent.
We do not hold your payment card details. Financial transactions take place directly and securely with our payment provider.
We have to deliver your purchases to you and be able to communicate with you about your order. This means that we use and process your details to enable us to do this. We therefore pass some of your details to trusted third parties like couriers and logistics companies. It would be difficult to physically send your orders to you if we weren’t able to use your information for this purpose.
It also helps us direct you to products and style choices most relevant to you and your shopping experience.
Being able to send product to you is an important part of our contractual commitment to you.
It is in our legitimate interests to collect information from you which helps us direct you to products and style choices most relevant to you and your shopping experience.
Proof of your identity.
We sometimes need to check your identity – for example: to confirm it is you that placed an order, or if you say you are a student or someone else able to benefit from discounts or special offers.
It’s an important part of our contractual commitment to you and ensures that we know who we are dealing with and that things like discounts and offers are applied in a legitimate way.
We may use your browsing behaviour to personalise your experience.
To get you to the products that you want faster.
It’s important to us and in our legitimate interests that you get the best out of your shopping experience.
We may use information about you to improve our products, services and customer experiences for both you and others. This may include working with our agents and business partners to improve the products and services we offer, and develop new content, products and services.
To help us define groups of audiences to send adverts to, based on factors like interests, age, location and more, so we can show adverts to the people most likely to be interested in the products and services being promoted.
It’s important to us and in our legitimate interests that you and all of our customers get the best out of your shopping experience.
Send you account and service updates, such as updates to our Terms and Conditions and order confirmations.
To keep you informed of any changes to our services or our contractual terms with you.
Legally, we have to do this, it’s an important part of our contractual commitment to you.
When you order products from us online, at iKiosks (in stores and at some franchise locations) or set up an online account, we may collect personal details from you like your name, date of birth, gender, address, email address, social media handle, screen name and phone number. Some of this information is mandatory and other information is only provided with your consent.
We do not hold your payment card details. Financial transactions take place directly and securely with our payment provider.
We have to deliver your purchases to you and be able to communicate with you about your order. This means that we use and process your details to enable us to do this. We therefore pass some of your details to trusted third parties like couriers and logistics companies. It would be difficult to physically send your orders to you if we weren’t able to use your information for this purpose.
It also helps us direct you to products and style choices most relevant to you and your shopping experience.
Being able to send product to you is an important part of our contractual commitment to you.
It is in our legitimate interests to collect information from you which helps us direct you to products and style choices most relevant to you and your shopping experience.
Proof of your identity.
We sometimes need to check your identity – for example: to confirm it is you that placed an order, or if you say you are a student or someone else able to benefit from discounts or special offers.
It’s an important part of our contractual commitment to you and ensures that we know who we are dealing with and that things like discounts and offers are applied in a legitimate way.
We may use your browsing behaviour to personalise your experience.
To get you to the products that you want faster.
It’s important to us and in our legitimate interests that you get the best out of your shopping experience.
We may use information about you to improve our products, services and customer experiences for both you and others. This may include working with our agents and business partners to improve the products and services we offer, and develop new content, products and services.
To help us define groups of audiences to send adverts to, based on factors like interests, age, location and more, so we can show adverts to the people most likely to be interested in the products and services being promoted.
It’s important to us and in our legitimate interests that you and all of our customers get the best out of your shopping experience.
Send you account and service updates, such as updates to our Terms and Conditions and order confirmations.
To keep you informed of any changes to our services or our contractual terms with you.
Legally, we have to do this, it’s an important part of our contractual commitment to you.
4.2 youR order and search history
When you order products from us online, at iKiosks (in stores and at some franchise locations) or set up an online account, we may collect personal details from you like your name, date of birth, gender, address, email address, social media handle, screen name and phone number. Some of this information is mandatory and other information is only provided with your consent.
We do not hold your payment card details. Financial transactions take place directly and securely with our payment provider.
We have to deliver your purchases to you and be able to communicate with you about your order. This means that we use and process your details to enable us to do this. We therefore pass some of your details to trusted third parties like couriers and logistics companies. It would be difficult to physically send your orders to you if we weren’t able to use your information for this purpose.
It also helps us direct you to products and style choices most relevant to you and your shopping experience.
Being able to send product to you is an important part of our contractual commitment to you.
It is in our legitimate interests to collect information from you which helps us direct you to products and style choices most relevant to you and your shopping experience.
Proof of your identity.
We sometimes need to check your identity – for example: to confirm it is you that placed an order, or if you say you are a student or someone else able to benefit from discounts or special offers.
It’s an important part of our contractual commitment to you and ensures that we know who we are dealing with and that things like discounts and offers are applied in a legitimate way.
We may use your browsing behaviour to personalise your experience.
To get you to the products that you want faster.
It’s important to us and in our legitimate interests that you get the best out of your shopping experience.
We may use information about you to improve our products, services and customer experiences for both you and others. This may include working with our agents and business partners to improve the products and services we offer, and develop new content, products and services.
To help us define groups of audiences to send adverts to, based on factors like interests, age, location and more, so we can show adverts to the people most likely to be interested in the products and services being promoted.
It’s important to us and in our legitimate interests that you and all of our customers get the best out of your shopping experience.
Send you account and service updates, such as updates to our Terms and Conditions and order confirmations.
To keep you informed of any changes to our services or our contractual terms with you.
Legally, we have to do this, it’s an important part of our contractual commitment to you.
We will keep details of your orders and order history in accordance with the terms of this policy.
We need to ensure that we deal with issues like returns or faulty products in the right way, and to protect ourselves from fraud.
This is part of our contractual obligation to you.
Analyse what you have bought, searched for, or returned, which helps us find out what you like.
To ensure we are giving you what you want, providing you with the best service we can.
It is important for us to know your preferences and to give you the best experience. It is in our legitimate interest to provide you with the best service.
4.3 Your body size and shape, if you choose to tell us this
When you order products from us online, at iKiosks (in stores and at some franchise locations) or set up an online account, we may collect personal details from you like your name, date of birth, gender, address, email address, social media handle, screen name and phone number. Some of this information is mandatory and other information is only provided with your consent.
We do not hold your payment card details. Financial transactions take place directly and securely with our payment provider.
We have to deliver your purchases to you and be able to communicate with you about your order. This means that we use and process your details to enable us to do this. We therefore pass some of your details to trusted third parties like couriers and logistics companies. It would be difficult to physically send your orders to you if we weren’t able to use your information for this purpose.
It also helps us direct you to products and style choices most relevant to you and your shopping experience.
Being able to send product to you is an important part of our contractual commitment to you.
It is in our legitimate interests to collect information from you which helps us direct you to products and style choices most relevant to you and your shopping experience.
Proof of your identity.
We sometimes need to check your identity – for example: to confirm it is you that placed an order, or if you say you are a student or someone else able to benefit from discounts or special offers.
It’s an important part of our contractual commitment to you and ensures that we know who we are dealing with and that things like discounts and offers are applied in a legitimate way.
We may use your browsing behaviour to personalise your experience.
To get you to the products that you want faster.
It’s important to us and in our legitimate interests that you get the best out of your shopping experience.
We may use information about you to improve our products, services and customer experiences for both you and others. This may include working with our agents and business partners to improve the products and services we offer, and develop new content, products and services.
To help us define groups of audiences to send adverts to, based on factors like interests, age, location and more, so we can show adverts to the people most likely to be interested in the products and services being promoted.
It’s important to us and in our legitimate interests that you and all of our customers get the best out of your shopping experience.
Send you account and service updates, such as updates to our Terms and Conditions and order confirmations.
To keep you informed of any changes to our services or our contractual terms with you.
Legally, we have to do this, it’s an important part of our contractual commitment to you.
We use a third party to help make recommendations about products, to suggest sizes, and about how garments fit. This is an optional preference as part of your online purchase process.
We want you to love the products you buy from us and to give you the best chance of finding the product you love in the right size first time.
It’s important to us that you find the right products for you in the right size.
For more information, please see the privacy policy of our third party provider which can be found when you use the fit tool.
Analyse what you have bought, searched for, or returned, which helps us find out what you like.
To ensure we are giving you what you want, providing you with the best service we can.
It is important for us to know your preferences and to give you the best experience. It is in our legitimate interest to provide you with the best service.
When you order products from us online, at iKiosks (in stores and at some franchise locations) or set up an online account, we may collect personal details from you like your name, date of birth, gender, address, email address, social media handle, screen name and phone number. Some of this information is mandatory and other information is only provided with your consent.
We do not hold your payment card details. Financial transactions take place directly and securely with our payment provider.
We have to deliver your purchases to you and be able to communicate with you about your order. This means that we use and process your details to enable us to do this. We therefore pass some of your details to trusted third parties like couriers and logistics companies. It would be difficult to physically send your orders to you if we weren’t able to use your information for this purpose.
It also helps us direct you to products and style choices most relevant to you and your shopping experience.
Being able to send product to you is an important part of our contractual commitment to you.
It is in our legitimate interests to collect information from you which helps us direct you to products and style choices most relevant to you and your shopping experience.
Proof of your identity.
We sometimes need to check your identity – for example: to confirm it is you that placed an order, or if you say you are a student or someone else able to benefit from discounts or special offers.
It’s an important part of our contractual commitment to you and ensures that we know who we are dealing with and that things like discounts and offers are applied in a legitimate way.
We may use your browsing behaviour to personalise your experience.
To get you to the products that you want faster.
It’s important to us and in our legitimate interests that you get the best out of your shopping experience.
We may use information about you to improve our products, services and customer experiences for both you and others. This may include working with our agents and business partners to improve the products and services we offer, and develop new content, products and services.
To help us define groups of audiences to send adverts to, based on factors like interests, age, location and more, so we can show adverts to the people most likely to be interested in the products and services being promoted.
It’s important to us and in our legitimate interests that you and all of our customers get the best out of your shopping experience.
Send you account and service updates, such as updates to our Terms and Conditions and order confirmations.
To keep you informed of any changes to our services or our contractual terms with you.
Legally, we have to do this, it’s an important part of our contractual commitment to you.
When you contact us through any channel, including online or in-store, we may ask you whether you want to opt in to receiving marketing communications from us. If you decide to opt in, we will record this opt in on your customer profile. Marketing emails may contain tracking pixels which allow us to monitor how you have interacted with a particular marketing email.
If you have opted in to receive marketing communications from us, we will use your personal data to notify you of Superdry products, promotions, competitions and special offers that may be of interest to you. These notifications will be sent to you online (either by email as a newsletter, by social media or search engine as banners or adverts).
It’s important to us, that you find the right products for you and that we tell you about our new products. We will only do this if you provide your consent.
When you visit our website, we may ask whether you want to opt in to receive text messages from us. We use a trusted third party to send the text messages on our behalf. If you decide to opt in, the third party will store the information you provide, including your telephone number and also when you read a text message.
If you opt in you will receive text messages about our products, promotional offers, competitions and much more. We may use information which we have automatically collected based on your actions whilst on our website to tailor the text messages you receive.
It’s important to us that you know about our products. We will only send you text messages where you have consented to this. You have the right to opt out at any time.
Wanneer je producten in onze winkels koopt, sturen we je marketingberichten over vergelijkbare Superdry-producten die voor jou interessant kunnen zijn.
We gebruiken je persoonsgegevens om je op de hoogte te houden van vergelijkbare Superdry-producten die mogelijk interessant voor je zijn. Deze meldingen worden online naar je verzonden (per e-mail als nieuwsbrief, via sociale media of via zoekmachines als banners of advertenties).
Het is in ons legitiem belang en nuttig voor jou om je informatie te sturen over onze nieuwste producten die interessant voor je kunnen zijn.
Als je online of in de winkel een aankoop hebt gedaan, kunnen we je persoonsgegevens delen met derden die banneradvertenties op je sociale media-feeds aanbieden.
We delen je persoonsgegevens met derden, zodat zij je via je social media-feeds op de hoogte kunnen stellen van Superdry-producten die voor jou interessant kunnen zijn.
Het is in ons legitiem belang en nuttig voor jou om je informatie te sturen over onze nieuwste producten die interessant voor je kunnen zijn via banners op sociale media.
4.5 Information about your phone or laptop, and how you use our website and app
When you order products from us online, at iKiosks (in stores and at some franchise locations) or set up an online account, we may collect personal details from you like your name, date of birth, gender, address, email address, social media handle, screen name and phone number. Some of this information is mandatory and other information is only provided with your consent.
We do not hold your payment card details. Financial transactions take place directly and securely with our payment provider.
We have to deliver your purchases to you and be able to communicate with you about your order. This means that we use and process your details to enable us to do this. We therefore pass some of your details to trusted third parties like couriers and logistics companies. It would be difficult to physically send your orders to you if we weren’t able to use your information for this purpose.
It also helps us direct you to products and style choices most relevant to you and your shopping experience.
Being able to send product to you is an important part of our contractual commitment to you.
It is in our legitimate interests to collect information from you which helps us direct you to products and style choices most relevant to you and your shopping experience.
Proof of your identity.
We sometimes need to check your identity – for example: to confirm it is you that placed an order, or if you say you are a student or someone else able to benefit from discounts or special offers.
It’s an important part of our contractual commitment to you and ensures that we know who we are dealing with and that things like discounts and offers are applied in a legitimate way.
We may use your browsing behaviour to personalise your experience.
To get you to the products that you want faster.
It’s important to us and in our legitimate interests that you get the best out of your shopping experience.
We may use information about you to improve our products, services and customer experiences for both you and others. This may include working with our agents and business partners to improve the products and services we offer, and develop new content, products and services.
To help us define groups of audiences to send adverts to, based on factors like interests, age, location and more, so we can show adverts to the people most likely to be interested in the products and services being promoted.
It’s important to us and in our legitimate interests that you and all of our customers get the best out of your shopping experience.
Send you account and service updates, such as updates to our Terms and Conditions and order confirmations.
To keep you informed of any changes to our services or our contractual terms with you.
Legally, we have to do this, it’s an important part of our contractual commitment to you.
Identify you when you visit our website, log in to your account or contact us. We do this by matching your email address, IP address or other contact details against the details we have for you.
Checking your identity helps us to keep your information safe from fraudsters and makes sure that you are who you say you are. It also makes it easier to personalise your experience. If we can remember you, we can give you the best possible shopping experience.
Legally, we have to do this and it is also important for us to provide you with the best products and service in the most secure and appropriate way. It is also important for us and in our legitimate interest that you get the best shopping experience.
Improve our website and set default options for you (such as language and currency).
It’s important for us, and it’s much easier for you, if we know the language and currency you prefer, and it also helps us to protect your information.
It is important for us and is in our legitimate interest to know what you like to give you the best shopping experience.
Show you Superdry adverts as you browse the web.
So you can see our latest products and deals that we think you will love.
It is important for us and is in our legitimate interest to show you things we think you will like.
We use a third-party service provider to collect data on our behalf across the internet and sometimes on our website. Some of these service providers may collect information about your visits to our website, and your interaction with our products (including where we see that you have aborted a basket or forgotten to complete a transaction) and services to tailor marketing messages on this website and other sites or to trigger real time interaction, customise this website or enhance your profile.
We also anonymise and aggregate personal information (so that it does not identify you) and use it for purposes including testing our IT systems, research, data analysis, improving our site and app, and developing new products and services.
To protect our website and to help make our service better.
It is important for us and in our legitimate interest to make our communications with you relevant and ensure that you have access to our most relevant product and content.
When you order products from us online, at iKiosks (in stores and at some franchise locations) or set up an online account, we may collect personal details from you like your name, date of birth, gender, address, email address, social media handle, screen name and phone number. Some of this information is mandatory and other information is only provided with your consent.
We do not hold your payment card details. Financial transactions take place directly and securely with our payment provider.
We have to deliver your purchases to you and be able to communicate with you about your order. This means that we use and process your details to enable us to do this. We therefore pass some of your details to trusted third parties like couriers and logistics companies. It would be difficult to physically send your orders to you if we weren’t able to use your information for this purpose.
It also helps us direct you to products and style choices most relevant to you and your shopping experience.
Being able to send product to you is an important part of our contractual commitment to you.
It is in our legitimate interests to collect information from you which helps us direct you to products and style choices most relevant to you and your shopping experience.
Proof of your identity.
We sometimes need to check your identity – for example: to confirm it is you that placed an order, or if you say you are a student or someone else able to benefit from discounts or special offers.
It’s an important part of our contractual commitment to you and ensures that we know who we are dealing with and that things like discounts and offers are applied in a legitimate way.
We may use your browsing behaviour to personalise your experience.
To get you to the products that you want faster.
It’s important to us and in our legitimate interests that you get the best out of your shopping experience.
We may use information about you to improve our products, services and customer experiences for both you and others. This may include working with our agents and business partners to improve the products and services we offer, and develop new content, products and services.
To help us define groups of audiences to send adverts to, based on factors like interests, age, location and more, so we can show adverts to the people most likely to be interested in the products and services being promoted.
It’s important to us and in our legitimate interests that you and all of our customers get the best out of your shopping experience.
Send you account and service updates, such as updates to our Terms and Conditions and order confirmations.
To keep you informed of any changes to our services or our contractual terms with you.
Legally, we have to do this, it’s an important part of our contractual commitment to you.
When you contact us via phone, chat, email or our customer services portal, we will collect information from you about your order and purchase history, as well as your personal details. We may sometimes record our conversations with you.
We want to be able to respond to your query in the right way and provide the most relevant service to you. We also want to improve the services and support we provide to you.
It’s an important part of our service and also part of our contractual commitment to you. It is important for us to train our staff to give you the best service.
We use public sources of information to help us investigate fraudulent activity.
To prevent and detect fraud against either you or us – unfortunate, but absolutely essential
This is important for us to protect our service, to protect you and to stop this from happening.
When you order products from us online, at iKiosks (in stores and at some franchise locations) or set up an online account, we may collect personal details from you like your name, date of birth, gender, address, email address, social media handle, screen name and phone number. Some of this information is mandatory and other information is only provided with your consent.
We do not hold your payment card details. Financial transactions take place directly and securely with our payment provider.
We have to deliver your purchases to you and be able to communicate with you about your order. This means that we use and process your details to enable us to do this. We therefore pass some of your details to trusted third parties like couriers and logistics companies. It would be difficult to physically send your orders to you if we weren’t able to use your information for this purpose.
It also helps us direct you to products and style choices most relevant to you and your shopping experience.
Being able to send product to you is an important part of our contractual commitment to you.
It is in our legitimate interests to collect information from you which helps us direct you to products and style choices most relevant to you and your shopping experience.
Proof of your identity.
We sometimes need to check your identity – for example: to confirm it is you that placed an order, or if you say you are a student or someone else able to benefit from discounts or special offers.
It’s an important part of our contractual commitment to you and ensures that we know who we are dealing with and that things like discounts and offers are applied in a legitimate way.
We may use your browsing behaviour to personalise your experience.
To get you to the products that you want faster.
It’s important to us and in our legitimate interests that you get the best out of your shopping experience.
We may use information about you to improve our products, services and customer experiences for both you and others. This may include working with our agents and business partners to improve the products and services we offer, and develop new content, products and services.
To help us define groups of audiences to send adverts to, based on factors like interests, age, location and more, so we can show adverts to the people most likely to be interested in the products and services being promoted.
It’s important to us and in our legitimate interests that you and all of our customers get the best out of your shopping experience.
Send you account and service updates, such as updates to our Terms and Conditions and order confirmations.
To keep you informed of any changes to our services or our contractual terms with you.
Legally, we have to do this, it’s an important part of our contractual commitment to you.
We may allow you to link your social media account to your Superdry account so you can log on simply and easily without having to create a specific account.
To make it easier for you to use our website and purchase those items you want.
It is important for us, and in our legitimate interest, that you get the best shopping experience.
We may use any details you give us about your social media accounts to understand what you like, how you might share your likes with your friends and how you might influence others with your style.
It helps improve any recommendations we make to you and we may invite you to take part in surveys, reward schemes and other fashion related activities.To prevent and detect fraud against either you or us – unfortunate, but absolutely essential
This is important for us to protect our service, to protect you and to stop this from happening.
When you tag us in a social post, we may monitor that, including your views or opinions about us.
We may want to respond to you or react, particularly if you are unhappy with something.
It is important for us and in our legitimate interest to know what you think about us so we can continually improve what we do.This is important for us to protect our service, to protect you and to stop this from happening.
4.8 surveys, Feedback & Competitions
When you order products from us online, at iKiosks (in stores and at some franchise locations) or set up an online account, we may collect personal details from you like your name, date of birth, gender, address, email address, social media handle, screen name and phone number. Some of this information is mandatory and other information is only provided with your consent.
We do not hold your payment card details. Financial transactions take place directly and securely with our payment provider.
We have to deliver your purchases to you and be able to communicate with you about your order. This means that we use and process your details to enable us to do this. We therefore pass some of your details to trusted third parties like couriers and logistics companies. It would be difficult to physically send your orders to you if we weren’t able to use your information for this purpose.
It also helps us direct you to products and style choices most relevant to you and your shopping experience.
Being able to send product to you is an important part of our contractual commitment to you.
It is in our legitimate interests to collect information from you which helps us direct you to products and style choices most relevant to you and your shopping experience.
Proof of your identity.
We sometimes need to check your identity – for example: to confirm it is you that placed an order, or if you say you are a student or someone else able to benefit from discounts or special offers.
It’s an important part of our contractual commitment to you and ensures that we know who we are dealing with and that things like discounts and offers are applied in a legitimate way.
We may use your browsing behaviour to personalise your experience.
To get you to the products that you want faster.
It’s important to us and in our legitimate interests that you get the best out of your shopping experience.
We may use information about you to improve our products, services and customer experiences for both you and others. This may include working with our agents and business partners to improve the products and services we offer, and develop new content, products and services.
To help us define groups of audiences to send adverts to, based on factors like interests, age, location and more, so we can show adverts to the people most likely to be interested in the products and services being promoted.
It’s important to us and in our legitimate interests that you and all of our customers get the best out of your shopping experience.
Send you account and service updates, such as updates to our Terms and Conditions and order confirmations.
To keep you informed of any changes to our services or our contractual terms with you.
Legally, we have to do this, it’s an important part of our contractual commitment to you.
We occasionally ask for feedback on our products or how you feel we are doing. Sometimes, we will use trusted third party providers to do this. Generally, responses are anonymized but we may want to respond to you directly, for example if you mention you are unhappy with something.
It makes good sense to check how you feel about us and your purchases from time to time and we can use this information to improve our service.
It’s up to you whether you take part, so you would always provide feedback with your consent. If you receive feedback requests from trusted third parties you can always elect to opt out.
We use a third party which will enable you to participate in our Refer a Friend programme, should you elect to do so.
We want to give you the opportunity to benefit from special offers as a result of you helping us to grow our family of fans.
Your data and your friend’s data will be processed in line with the third party’s privacy policy which can be found when you elect to participate.
We regularly run competitions and giveaways which may mean that you provide us with some information as part of your entry to the competitions. The information helps us to manage the competitions that you choose to enter and get prizes to the winners.
We will let you know how we use your data at the point of entry, and all of our competitions have specific Terms and Conditions which gives you more information.
We need to let you know if you win.
If you take part we will treat this as an important contractual commitment to youIf you take part we will treat this as an important contractual commitment to you.
When you order products from us online, at iKiosks (in stores and at some franchise locations) or set up an online account, we may collect personal details from you like your name, date of birth, gender, address, email address, social media handle, screen name and phone number. Some of this information is mandatory and other information is only provided with your consent.
We do not hold your payment card details. Financial transactions take place directly and securely with our payment provider.
We have to deliver your purchases to you and be able to communicate with you about your order. This means that we use and process your details to enable us to do this. We therefore pass some of your details to trusted third parties like couriers and logistics companies. It would be difficult to physically send your orders to you if we weren’t able to use your information for this purpose.
It also helps us direct you to products and style choices most relevant to you and your shopping experience.
Being able to send product to you is an important part of our contractual commitment to you.
It is in our legitimate interests to collect information from you which helps us direct you to products and style choices most relevant to you and your shopping experience.
Proof of your identity.
We sometimes need to check your identity – for example: to confirm it is you that placed an order, or if you say you are a student or someone else able to benefit from discounts or special offers.
It’s an important part of our contractual commitment to you and ensures that we know who we are dealing with and that things like discounts and offers are applied in a legitimate way.
We may use your browsing behaviour to personalise your experience.
To get you to the products that you want faster.
It’s important to us and in our legitimate interests that you get the best out of your shopping experience.
We may use information about you to improve our products, services and customer experiences for both you and others. This may include working with our agents and business partners to improve the products and services we offer, and develop new content, products and services.
To help us define groups of audiences to send adverts to, based on factors like interests, age, location and more, so we can show adverts to the people most likely to be interested in the products and services being promoted.
It’s important to us and in our legitimate interests that you and all of our customers get the best out of your shopping experience.
Send you account and service updates, such as updates to our Terms and Conditions and order confirmations.
To keep you informed of any changes to our services or our contractual terms with you.
Legally, we have to do this, it’s an important part of our contractual commitment to you.
In our stores we use CCTV footage which may include footage of you if you visit one of our stores.
We use CCTV for security monitoring to protect you and our staff. We may also use it for market research purposes so that we can best arrange our stores and stock the ranges our customers will be most interested in.
We have a legal obligation to ensure that our staff are protected. We also want to make sure you get the best in-store experience.
You may be asked for some personal details at the till in store. This is to enable us to provide you with paperless receipts. If you are an existing online customer and have an account with us, we will link this information through to your online account.
To be able to send you a receipt for your purchase electronically (to help save the environment!) and to enable you to keep a record of all of your purchases in one place.
There is no obligation for you to receive receipts electronically. It would be done with your consent. But we do like to help you maintain a proper record of your purchases to help our customer services team in case there are any issues with your purchase.
When we process your order at tills at the store or at in-store iKiosks (in our own stores and at some franchise store locations), we will take payment card information. We do not hold your payment card details. Financial transactions take place directly and securely with our payment provider.
To process your transaction.
Receiving payment is an important part of our contractual relationship with you.
5. Uw informatie delen.1. Uw informatie delen.
Wij verkopen uw persoonsgegevens niet voor puur financieel gewin aan externe partijen en zullen dit ook niet doen. We willen uw vertrouwen verdienen en behouden, en we geloven dat dit hier een essentieel onderdeel van is.
Wij delen uw gegevens echter met de volgende soorten bedrijven en zien dit als een onmisbaar onderdeel om onze services aan u te kunnen leveren:
- Bedrijven in de Superdry-groep, omdat soms verschillende onderdelen van onze groep verantwoordelijk zijn voor verschillende activiteiten.
- Bedrijven die handelingen verrichten om uw aankopen bij u te krijgen, zoals magazijnen, orderverpakkers en leveringsbedrijven.
- Professionele serviceverleners, zoals marketingbureaus, advertentiepartners en websitehosts, die ons helpen ons bedrijf te runnen of feedback van u te krijgen.
- Partners die ons helpen potentiële nieuwe klanten te bereiken of onze producten op hun websites promoten.
- Kredietreferentiebureaus, wetshandhavingsinstanties en fraudepreventiebureaus, zodat we fraude kunnen helpen aanpakken.
Als wij uw persoonsgegevens delen met externe partijen, gebeurt dit alleen om een legitiem en wettig doel te bereiken of met uw toestemming. We zullen altijd de relevante externe partij en zijn beveiligingsmaatregelen beoordelen om ervoor te zorgen dat in het geval van een overdracht zoals deze u een vergelijkbare mate van bescherming met betrekking tot uw persoonsgegevens kunt verwachten.
Neem hier contact met ons op als u meer wilt weten over de externe partijen waarmee we persoonsgegevens kunnen delen of als u meer wilt weten over hoe uw gegevens worden gebruikt.
8. Advertenties voor Superdry online.
We gebruiken online reclame om u op de hoogte te houden van wat we van plan zijn en om u te helpen onze producten te zien en te vinden.
U kunt Superdry-banners en -advertenties zien als u andere websites en apps bezoekt, zoals sociale media. We beheren dit via verschillende digitale-marketing- en advertentienetwerken. We maken ook gebruik van verschillende advertentietechnologieën en sommige hiervan zijn ontworpen om uw ervaring te personaliseren.
De banners en advertenties die u ziet, worden weergegeven op basis van de informatie die we over u hebben of uw eerdere gebruik van de Superdry-website (bijvoorbeeld uw Superdry-zoekgeschiedenis en de content die u op Superdry hebt gelezen), of Superdry-banners of -advertenties waarop u eerder hebt geklikt.
Raadpleeg voor meer informatie over ons gebruik van advertentietechnologieën en cookies onze cookieverklaring.
9. Internationale gegevensoverdrachten.
Superdry is een internationaal bedrijf met activiteiten binnen en buiten het Verenigd Koninkrijk en we gebruiken leveranciers en uitvoeringscentra over de hele wereld.
Het is soms nodig om uw persoonsgegevens te delen met partijen buiten het Verenigd Koninkrijk en/of de Europese Economische Ruimte (EER), of deze gegevens worden verzameld buiten het Verenigd Koninkrijk en/of de EER. Dit gebeurt meestal wanneer serviceverleners voor ons bedrijf zich buiten de EER bevinden of als u buiten de EER bent gevestigd. Voor deze overdrachten gelden speciale regels in het kader van de wetgeving inzake gegevensbescherming.
Hetzelfde geldt voor elke overdracht van persoonsgegevens aan een ander deel van onze bedrijvengroep die buiten het Verenigd Koninkrijk en/of de EER is gevestigd. We passen deze normen ook toe op elke overdracht van persoonsgegevens tussen leden van onze groep, ongeacht de locatie van het groepsbedrijf.
Als wij uw persoonsgegevens overdragen aan entiteiten buiten het Verenigd Koninkrijk en/of de EER, zorgen wij ervoor dat de overdracht gebeurt in overeenstemming met de wetgeving inzake gegevensbescherming en dat alle persoonsgegevens zijn beveiligd. Standaard beoordelen wij de wetten en praktijken van het land van bestemming en de relevante serviceverlener, en de beveiligingsmaatregelen die moeten worden genomen met betrekking tot de persoonsgegevens op de buitenlandse locatie. Dit betekent dat wanneer een dergelijke overdracht plaatsvindt, u een vergelijkbare mate van bescherming met betrekking tot uw persoonsgegevens kunt verwachten.
Onze directeuren en andere belangrijke medewerkers die voor ons werken, hebben in beperkte mate toegang tot persoonsgegevens van buiten het Verenigd Koninkrijk en de EER als ze buiten het Verenigd Koninkrijk of de EER werken. Als ze dat doen, gebeurt dit op basis van onze beveiligingsmaatregelen en gelden dezelfde wettelijke beschermingsmaatregelen die van toepassing zijn op de toegang tot persoonsgegevens vanuit onze locatie. In beperkte omstandigheden kunnen de mensen aan wie we persoonsgegevens verstrekken zich buiten het Verenigd Koninkrijk en de EER bevinden en hebben we geen bestaande relatie met hen (dit geldt bijvoorbeeld voor een buitenlandse politiemacht). In dergelijke gevallen leggen we de wettelijk vereiste bescherming van de persoonsgegevens op, zoals wettelijk vereist, voordat deze gegevens openbaar worden gemaakt.
Ook als u buiten het Verenigd Koninkrijk en/of de EER bent gevestigd, kunnen uw persoonsgegevens buiten het Verenigd Koninkrijk en/of de EER worden bewaard en gebruikt, maar in de meeste gevallen (zoals aan het begin aangegeven) is de verwerkingsverantwoordelijke voor uw persoonsgegevens Superdry in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Als u meer informatie wilt over hoe we uw persoonsgegevens met betrekking tot internationale overdrachten beschermen, neem dan hier contact op met onze functionaris voor gegevensbescherming (DPO).
10. Uw gegevens bewaren.
We bewaren uw informatie zolang u een Superdry-klant blijft en zolang we deze moeten bewaren om aan onze wettelijke vereisten over de hele wereld te voldoen.
Tenzij u ervoor hebt gekozen om marketingberichten van ons te ontvangen of een actief klantenprofiel bij ons aan te houden door producten te bestellen met tussenpozen van ten minste drie jaar, bewaren we uw gegevens gedurende de volgende periodes:
Online: Als u een account aanmaakt via één van onze Superdry-websites, dan bewaren we uw persoonsgegevens binnen de website gedurende een periode van drie jaar na uw laatste bestelling. Als u als gast afrekent en geen account aanmaakt, dan bewaren we uw persoonsgegevens 90 dagen in onze websitedatabase. Gegevens met betrekking tot uw bestellingen worden zeven jaar bewaard.
Digitale kassabonnen: Als u zich in een Superdry-winkel aanmeldt voor het ontvangen van digitale kassabonnen, dan bewaren we uw persoonsgegevens zeven jaar.
Wedstrijden, acties: Als u meedoet aan een wedstrijd of actie, dan verwijderen we uw persoonsgegevens na het afronden van de wedstrijd of actie.
Klantenservice: Als u contact opneemt met onze klantenservice, dan bewaren we uw persoonsgegevens zeven jaar.
Als u wilt dat wij de gegevens die we over u hebben verwijderen, neem dan hier contact met ons op en vragen dat we uw account sluiten of uw persoonsgegevens verwijderen. We zijn echter wettelijk verplicht om sommige van uw persoonsgegevens te bewaren, zelfs nadat u ons hebt gevraagd deze te verwijderen. We bewaren alleen de absoluut noodzakelijke gegevens, alleen om ervoor te zorgen dat we aan onze wettelijke of reglementaire vereisten kunnen voldoen, geschillen kunnen oplossen, fraude en misbruik kunnen voorkomen, en onze algemene voorwaarden kunnen handhaven.
11. Uw rechten.
U hebt als gegevenssubject een aantal rechten. Hieronder vindt u informatie over wat deze rechten zijn en hoe u deze kunt uitoefenen.
Recht op inzage
U hebt het recht om een gratis kopie te vragen van de persoonsgegevens die wij over u hebben.
Recht op rectificatie
Als u denkt dat de persoonsgegevens die we over u hebben onjuist zijn, dan hebt u het recht om te vragen dat deze worden bijgewerkt. We kunnen u vragen om bewijs waaruit blijkt dat de gegevens onjuist zijn.
Recht op verwijdering (ook bekend als het recht om te worden vergeten) en het recht op beperking van verwerking
U hebt het recht om te verzoeken dat we stoppen met het verwerken van al uw persoonsgegevens die bij ons bekend zijn, maar ook het recht om ons om verwijdering hiervan te vragen. Als u dit recht uitoefent, koppelen we uw naam aan uw verzoek en zal het ons niet beletten om eventuele nieuwe gegevens die u later aan ons verstrekt te verwerken.
Recht op gegevensoverdraagbaarheid
U hebt het recht ons te vragen uw persoonsgegevens elektronisch te verplaatsen, kopiëren of over te dragen in een machineleesbare vorm.
Rechten met betrekking tot geautomatiseerde besluitvorming, inclusief profilering
We gebruiken uw persoonsgegevens soms om beslissingen te nemen via geautomatiseerde middelen. Dit houdt in dat we uw accountactiviteit analyseren, inclusief applicaties, bestellingen, betalingen etc. We doen dit om uw identiteit te bevestigen en om criminaliteit te voorkomen en op te sporen. Deze geautomatiseerde besluitvorming is noodzakelijk als u online bij ons wilt blijven winkelen. U hebt het recht om geautomatiseerde besluitvormingen te weigeren, maar dit kan betekenen dat u alleen in onze winkels kunt winkelen (en dus niet online).
Recht op intrekking van toestemming
Als we uw toestemming nodig hebben voor verwerking, kunt u uw toestemming op elk moment intrekken of wijzigen.
Bovenstaande rechten kunnen in bepaalde omstandigheden beperkt zijn, bijvoorbeeld als het inwilligen van uw verzoek persoonsgegevens van een andere persoon bekend zou maken, als u ons vraagt informatie te verwijderen die we wettelijk verplicht zijn te hebben of als we dwingende legitieme belangen hebben om deze informatie te bewaren. We laten het u weten als dit het geval is en gebruiken uw gegevens dan alleen voor deze doeleinden. Het kan ook zijn dat u niet langer kunt gebruikmaken onze services als u wilt dat we stoppen met het verwerken van uw persoonsgegevens.
Als je algemene vragen hebt of een van je rechten wilt uitoefenen, neem dan hier contact met ons op. Uit hoofde van onze beveiligingsprocedures vragen we u om een bewijs van uw identiteit voor we als reactie op een verzoek persoonsgegevens aan u verstrekken.
We raden u aan contact met ons op te nemen als u zich zorgen maakt over de manier waarop we uw persoonsgegevens verzamelen of gebruiken. U hebt echter ook het recht om een klacht in te dienen bij het Information Commissioners Office (de toezichthouder voor gegevensbescherming in het Verenigd Koninkrijk). De contactgegevens hiervan zijn te vinden op Als u zich elders in de Europese Economische Ruimte bevindt, kunt u contact opnemen met uw lokale toezichthoudende autoriteit. Een overzicht van alle desbetreffende toezichthoudende autoriteiten vindt u op
12. Privacyverklaring voor inwoners van Californië
Als u een inwoner van Californië bent, hebt u mogelijk enkele aanvullende rechten met betrekking tot uw persoonsgegevens krachtens de California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) 2018.
We hebben de gegevens die we mogen verzamelen gedetailleerd beschreven in ons voornaamste privacybeleid. Hier vindt u ook informatie over hoe we deze informatie kunnen verzamelen en over het commerciële doel voor het verzamelen of delen van uw persoonsgegevens. We hebben ook duidelijk gemaakt dat we persoonsgegevens niet louter voor financieel gewin verkopen.
De verkoop van persoonsgegevens in het kader van de CCPA is breed en omvat het vrijgeven van persoonsgegevens aan externe partijen voor een waardevolle vergoeding, dus niet voor geld alleen. Voor advertentiedoeleinden delen we gepseudonimiseerde identificatoren, zoals gemaskeerde e-mailadressen en cookies, met onze advertentiepartners.
Uw rechten zijn vergelijkbaar met de rechten die op grond van de AVG van toepassing zijn. Specifiek in Californië hebt u de volgende rechten:
Recht op toegang
U kunt verzoeken om toegang tot de categorieën en specifieke delen van persoonsgegevens die we over u hebben verzameld, de broncategorieën van een dergelijke verzameling, het commerciële doel voor het verzamelen of verkopen van persoonsgegevens, de typen externe partijen met wie we persoonsgegevens delen, de typen persoonsgegevens die we in de afgelopen 12 maanden over u hebben bekendgemaakt en verkocht, en de typen externe partijen aan wie de persoonsgegevens zijn verkocht.
Recht op verwijdering
U kunt ons verzoeken om alle persoonsgegevens te verwijderen die we over u hebben verzameld (behoudens enkele uitzonderingen).
Recht om u af te melden voor de verkoop van uw persoonsgegevens
U kunt aangeven dat u niet wilt dat uw persoonsgegevens aan externe partijen worden verkocht.
Recht op non-discriminatie
U ontvangt gelijke service en prijzen indien u gebruikmaakt van uw rechten onder de CCPA.
Hoe u uw rechten kunt uitoefenen
- Rechtenverzoek (behalve weigeren): U kunt hier klikken
- Afmelden voor de verkoop van uw gegevens: Klik op 'Verkoop mijn persoonsgegevens niet'
Als u een verzoek indient, hebben we bepaalde informatie van u nodig om uw identiteit te kunnen verifiëren en een verzoek in te dienen, waaronder uw naam, e-mailadres en huisadres.
14. Contact met ons opnemen over dit beleid.
Als u vragen, opmerkingen, verzoeken of zorgen hebt met betrekking tot dit beleid, neem dan in eerste instantie contact op met onze functionaris gegevensbescherming (Data Protection Officer). Klik hier. Als we uw klacht niet kunnen oplossen, dan kunt u uw klacht doorsturen naar het kantoor van de Information Commissioner via Als u zich elders in de Europese Economische Ruimte bevindt, kunt u contact opnemen met uw lokale toezichthoudende autoriteit. Een lijst met die toezichthoudende autoriteiten vindt u op Voor vragen betreffende klantenservice en vragen over een recente bestelling kunt u een e-mail sturen naar
Dit beleid is voor het laatst aangepast op 15 maart 2021. We hebben wijzigingen aangebracht in dit beleid om onze privacybeginselen vast te stellen en om duidelijker uit te leggen hoe we met uw gegevens omgaan, onder meer met betrekking tot de verschillende doeleinden waarvoor we uw gegevens gebruiken.